In modern baseball history, many pitchers aim to have the same fastball skills as Mariano Rivera, a Hall of Famer who constantly generated broken bats on the field. Or maybe you’re more interested in Sandy Koufax’s record of 4 no-hitters in just 4 years. Another classic inspiration is Don Drysdale, a hard-throwing right-handed pitcher whose intimidating style and beast-like durability remain legendary.
But whoever your pitching idol is, just know that they weren’t born that way. They spent countless hours under the sun, trying to perfect their aim and speed up their pitch. Make the most of modern baseball equipment so you, too, can eventually pitch like the legends.
The Best Equipment to Improve Your Pitch
Better pitch skills begin with the right equipment. These are the essential equipment to invest in:
- It all starts in a pitching cage.
Practice your fastballs and curveballs in the safety of a pitching cage. Next to the field, it’s the best place to practice your speed and accuracy.
- Practice being on the mound.
Casual pitches are different from pitching on the mound, where you have limited space. It doesn’t feel so limited anymore, though, when you get used to it.
- Track your speed with a radar gun.
Your coach can tell if your form is good but nobody can determine how fast you pitch — except a baseball radar gun. Nothing beats its accuracy in measuring speed.
We’re a leading authority in speed measurement. Our equipment can help improve your pitch.
Other Tips on Becoming a Better Pitcher
Nobody starts out being a great pitcher. Some people may have the natural form, power, and accuracy for the baseball position but everyone still has to undergo training to hone that skill. In addition to consistent training and mental focus, here are ways you can improve as a pitcher:
- Start the conversation with your coach.
Your coach isn’t there to yell at you and tell you what to do. They’re there to guide you and help you improve as a pitcher. So talk to them during practices. Ask them to observe your form and give you suggestions on how to improve your style and stance.
- Be mindful when you’re practicing.
It might be easier to just go through the motions of practicing your pitch in a speed pitch cage. But you have to be mentally checked in if you want to speed up your pitch or improve your accuracy. Take note of what you need to improve on and what’s working for you.
- Hold yourself accountable for your play.
One of the most important things that every athlete should practice is ownership. You have to hold yourself accountable for everything you do on the field during practice and in games. Don’t beat yourself up about it, though. Just find ways to be better.
- Make a commitment to the game.
You’re not going to improve as a pitcher if you’re only 50% committed to baseball. This doesn’t mean ignoring your other responsibilities. It simply means going all in when you’re on the field and never hesitating with every pitch you throw.
Let us help you hone your pitching skills. Call us at 1-800-914-4008 to learn more.