The TruCAM LTI 20/20

Laser radar guns have revolutionized the speed enforcement industry due to their advanced technology and unparalleled accuracy. Emitting a laser beam that is aimed at a vehicle, this beam is reflected back toward the gun, which measures the exact speed of the target vehicle within milliseconds. This data can then be used by law enforcement officers to determine whether or not an infraction has occurred.

One of the most popular laser radar guns on the market is the TruCAM LTI 20/20. This gun uses advanced range-gated technology which allows it to measure the speed of moving targets with a high degree of accuracy, even if they are traveling at extremely fast speeds or in unpredictable patterns.

When it comes to innovative technology and reliable devices, the TruCAM LTI 20/20 is at the top of its class. This handheld laser video camera is perfect for law enforcement officials, as it offers a complete chain of evidence that is ready for any court of law. With its patented technology, TruCam can measure the time and distances between cars, capture video and photographic evidence of moving violations, identify and record vehicle makes and models, license plates, and even facial characteristics of the driver. In addition, data can be entered into a Geographic Information System detailing GPS coordinates and other traffic information.

The camera imaging system of the TruCAM LTI 20/20 is designed to work in a variety of light conditions, from bright sunlight to nighttime darkness. Its circuitry defeats jam detectors and offers data encryption for cyber safety. This device can also be used in research projects where reliable visual data is necessary. Scientists now have access to records with verifiable speed data and photographic records of events.

The TrCam LTI is an extremely reliable tool with a variety of specialized modes to choose from including:

Auto Mode– Designed for automated traffic enforcement with video and license plate imaging

Rear Plate Mode- Measures speed of motorcycles and other vehicles without a front plate;

Weather Mode– Works in the rain, snow, and all other conditions

Video Only Mode– Captures every movement and visual detail

Dual Speed mode (optional upgrade) – Automatically differentiates between cars and commercial vehicles

Distance Between Vehicles Mode (optional upgrade) – Measures speed, time, and distance between two or more vehicles

It is also equipped with a worldwide expedited delivery option, 100% secure payment, and a 24/7 customer service line to ensure that all of your needs are met.

Users of the TruCam LTI 20/20 can rest assured that their data is accurate and highly reliable. Professional and Military grade electronics, digital signal processing, and a patented optical system ensure that the results are precise and valid for legal proceedings.

TruCam also offers six different modes of operation, making it a versatile tool for a variety of needs. Whether needing to capture video evidence in lousy weather or measure the speed of a motorcycle, TruCam has you covered.

Contact Radar Sports your Laser Radar Gun experts – 516-678-1919

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